Art certainly have their place in the garden. A beautiful sculpture often acts as a focal point in a composition. But not necessarily at the expense of purchasing a man-made artifacts or go Alternatively, excellent sculpture of other less dramatic objects are supported.
These "other things" that the plants are strong and clear lines his style, acting as sculptural elements in the garden. The naturalSculptures> if purchased as a small, not too expensive, but still an important ingredient in planting a garden full of composition, should be carefully considered by you have always been, the election and a sculptural plant or two. Here are some examples.
* Plumeria rubra, also known as Frangipani, grows like a tree of low open form and open the form in Mediterranean climates. It also has a very attractive large fragrantFlowers. Plumeria is suitable for areas sheltered from frost.
* The common guava, Psidium woes contribute to a garden in a variety of ways. It has beautiful exfoliating bark and attractive flowers and naturally decorative and tasty fruit. Its slim form sculpture is often overlooked. For people like the smell of fruit, a dwarf variety grows to about 5 meters in Mediterranean climates, can be considered, as are its fruits odorless. The nano is GuavaParticularly outstanding in their sculptural quality.
* The strawberry tree, Arbutus unedo is the subject of a recent article of mine. Click on the link below and then click on the item page for some excellent information on this species.
* Other examples include Yucca, Dracaena varieties of grasses and plants such as Phormium and Cyperus papyrus. succulents are naturally possess a clearly defined shape and may well be called sculpture. However, caution is neededused because they rarely, if ever combine a good design, as with other plants. cactus garden are left, therefore, as a special group in a separate part des
The choice of a tree in the garden, fruit, many are distracted by considerations of color and edible flowers. These are obviously important, but of far greater importance is the form throughout the year and shape of the tree. Careful consideration should be its size, which are appropriate in terms of scale, which are givenEarth as a whole. Due to the fact that the right tree in the right place can in itself an important sculpture, a couple of points should not be forgotten.
* A tree leaf is usually sculptural look, as if the tree is in leaf. So while most garden plants should be at least a broadleaf evergreen should be planted.
* This is the full potential of the tree sculpture, should be clearly indicated theirright place. Over-planting, regardless of its other harmful properties, removed the sculpture, not to increase.
Finally, interesting forms of circumcision in some bushes in mini-trees will be achieved. Examples in the sense that spring Pitanga Eugenia uniflora, Pittosporum Tobira Carissa macrocarpa, are species of Vitex, and many others.
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