What is the first in a garden - plants or garden decor? No one can question is a definitive answer, because every garden needs both. Garden furniture showcases samples of plants, defined space creates set priorities and move in a garden . garden decor creates a unique environment that reflects the taste and personality of the gardener.
What is the decoration of the garden? garden furniture contains only abouteverything else in the garden when the plants and functional elements. It includes yard decorations, garden sculptures, statues, bird feeders, bird houses, fountains and wind chimes, among other decorative accessories. These accessories can be purchased or handmade. These art sculptures and collages of found objects. Whether it's bronze statues, boxes or old lobster, serve the same purpose: to add interest to the gardenArea.
Many gardeners use decorative elements to create a theme for their gardens to create. No one will question the gardener devotion to everything old navigation buoy, anchor rope and tastefully assembled with him in the garden. handmade sculptures of animals clarify appreciate wildlife and homeowners handmade and primitive art. wagon wheels, horseshoes and yokes for cattle to create a distinctive Western theme, both in the garden or in the western part ofEast.
Pergolas, trellises and garden gates are practical and aesthetic purposes. They help to define a space to support the plants, control access and create seating. Beautifully put, you add structure and beauty of the landscape. While these very different structures, garden, gardens and even trampolines combines beauty and functionality. Tile, wood, natural stone, manufactured stone and are popular and easily available materials. Each gives adifferent feeling, from rustic to refined.
In terms of sensory pleasures, gardens, appreciated for their visual appearance and aroma. You can add the size of the garden with a fountain to your sound. The sound of moving water is both relaxing and stimulating. And you do not need much space for a fountain. Another way to add sound to your garden with wind chimes. As the plants in your garden, wind chimes are a dynamic element in the landscape,constantly evolving.
Most garden plants have one or two seasons of interest. A maple tree, for example, is exquisitely decorated in autumn when the leaves is colorful. Roses are best when they are in full bloom in summer. Many spring bulbs and perennials provide color, while most of the annual flowering later. Décor garden statues and other objects taken by the plants cease. Do not distract or overwhelm the plants originate, but to provide interest, if the Plants do not shine on them.
When it comes to gardening accessories in town, saw as "the old over quantity" reins. Quality is not necessarily expensive, it means that the best part for the location and purpose. Cleverly put a piece of garden furniture is the eye guide, awkwardly placed, will distract from the beauty of plants. Selected and placed with care, garden accessories to enhance the landscape and bring interest to theGarden>.
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