Many beginners ask reps: "Why leaders need all the jobs expensive hardware to do the job? Everyone says that your 3D program that can make a well-equipped PC. Well, if you ever tried to work with a very detailed scene, you know what the answer is - computing power. Whenever I tell a group of triangles in your system processor (CPU) and throw, "Chew on this and give me a model to control the power system.
As a highly detailed sceneNeed more power. This is perhaps the greatest trap of doing a job with high resolution. Even the fastest computer is not fast enough for detailed scenes. Even if your PC came of age in relation to its status as workstation, is still the same problems faced by the more expensive workstations: performance. As an animator, you need to know where are the bottlenecks in order to minimize the syndrome of "slow" CPU as possible.
HardwareLimitations when it comes to a workstation if your 3D program, a PC workstation that you are talking about different components. Although they are independent of each other, must work together to bring you the best possible performance. These components are: CPU, RAM and 3D accelerator card (display).
Although this article is not advertising for hardware manufacturers, hardware king in this business. If you're not on top of the line in allthree categories, you're in the wrong business.
The time you sell hardware shorter the time you lose your bid for a job because they complete on time. As a scout, always "ready". The question is how. If you have an upgrade, you must first consider what an upgrade? To find the answer before assessing what the computer seems so slow. And 'the display, the rendering time, or just a general "slowness" that is not possible to completely isolate aComponent?
In any case, again, you will find that actually buy three measures to improve (or a new PC) and should be followed religiously. These steps are modernizing, RAM, CPU and display.
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